
Member evenings

Our member evenings are a great way to get to know other members and climbing. Usually the evening is held at the Wasa Up premised. At times members evening will be arranged at water tower and the program includes free climbing. At summer the evening might be held ouside - in this the participants meet at the tower and continue together to a clombing location. We will inform about the possible changes of plan at least in High Sport Group in Facebook. 

Member evenings are held on Thursdays starting at 18.00, and they are open for everyone. There might be some extra program and even some goodies depending on the person who's organizing the evening!  

Climbing trips

High Sport arranges multiple climbing trips annually. Usually the destination is somewhere in Finland, but it can also be further! Traditional climbing trips are for example an indoor climbig trip to bigger and warmer walls, and ice climbing trip to Korouma in Posio or Norway. The most legendary is the annual bouldering trip to Åland two weeks before midsummer. 

Every member is allowed to arrange trips and get the club's support for them. Before starting the arrangements we recommend to take a look at the terms of the trips. These trips are for everyone, from rookies to pros. If you're a rookie, don't worry - there is going to be some pros who can help you out when needed. And if you don't have all the required equipment, you can borrow them from the club. 

The club supports its members with expenses. Those who are nt members may participate by covering their own expenses. 

Junior activity